Resources from SEPUP & Mr. Groom
Activity 54: Investigating Human Traits
, from University of Utah Learn.Genetics site
Activity 56: Joe's Dilemma
Video of Marfan's Syndrome: Produced by National Marfan's Foundation
Activity 57: Reproduction
Enjoy this one!
Quick! Try to focus and follow one of the original bacteria!
. Notice how quickly the bacterial colonies emerge and how many there are.
. From kitchen appliances and bathrooms. Notice all the different types of bacterial colonies and fungi!
Hydra budding, paramecia binary fission
Includes information on creating runners
: amazing new footage of potential fertilized zygote dividing to become identical twinsActivity 63: Show Me the Genes
A short video to explain some amazing things about DNA.
Another short video - very clear!
Explains the process of mitosis during cell division
Shows the process of mitosis in lily plant cellVideo playlist courtesy Jason Heigellke at DaVinci
- Genetically Modified Food
- Evolution of Sex
- Race
More Resources courtesy Mr. Groom
Learn Genetics
Karyotyping Activity
Intro to Onion Root Tips Activity
DNA Interactive
Your Genes Your Health
Genetics Webliography
Library Databases
Health and Wellness Resource Center
Find definitions and articles on all areas of health and medicine including nutrition, fitness, public health, prescription drugs and diseases. To use it, go to the library'’s Databases A to Z page (). Click on the letter "H" to jump down the page. Locate Health and Wellness Resource Center on the list, and click on the picture of the library card (the purple rectangle) to the right of it. Type in your Multnomah County Library card number at this point (skip this step if you are in a Multnomah County Library). In the search box, type in your search terms.
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
This database has articles on social issues, such as cloning or genetic engineering. To use it, go to the libraryÂ’s Databases A to Z page (). Click on the letter "O" to jump down the page. Locate Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center on the list, and click on the picture of the library card (the purple rectangle) to the right of it. Type in your Multnomah County Library card number at this point (skip this step if you are in a Multnomah County Library). Choose a topic from the list, or if you donÂ’t see yours listed, type your search terms in the search box.
Web Sites about DNA, Genetics & the Human Genome Project
Basic Genetics
From the Genetics Science Learning Center at the University of Utah. Learn about genes, DNA, inheritance, proteins, and more.
Cracking the Code of Life
PBS and NOVA addresses genetic coding, DNA, cloning, nature vs. nurture, and other interesting questions around genetic engineering.
DNA Interactive
Learn about DNA through this interactive site by cracking the code, reading the timeline to discovery and beyond, how this discovery transformed biology and genetics, and more.
Genetic Genealogy: How Science is Filling out Family Trees
This site shows how DNA has been used to solve family mysteries and disputes.
Genomic Revolution
This site is a more in-depth look into DNA and discusses its possible implications for humans.
Human Genome Project
Learn about ethical, legal and social issues around gene identification and mapping. The site also has education resources and focuses on medicine and genetics.
Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA
This Oregon State University site provides primary documents that help explain the history of double helix discovery. Read the narrative and view the primary documents.
Cloning and Genetic Engineering
The site from the BBC presents information about both cloning and genetic engineering, particularly genetically modified foods.
Time Magazine online presents current news and information about cloning including whether or not to ban it, and a look at how human cloning could affect our world, as we know it.
The Cloning Debate
PBS Online Newshour presents current cloning news, an ethics debate, legislation and more.
Cloning In Focus
"What's the real story with cloning? Find out how it's done, examine potential uses for cloning technologies and explore the related ethical, legal and social issues."
CNN: Cloning
CNN presents news and information about cloning. Includes an interactive explanation of how cloning works.
GM Food
"The appearance of genetically modified foods in the marketplace has resulted in a firestorm of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage. A variety of ecological and human health concerns come with the new advances made possible by genetic modification."
Special Report: Cloning and Stem Cells
This New Scientist magazine site presents current news and also archives past articles regarding the topic.
Your Genes, Your Choices: Exploring the Issues Raised by Genetic Research
This online book describes some of the legal and ethical questions raised by genetics and the Human Genome Project.
Web Sites about Genetic Disorders
èßäÊÓƵ the Syndrome
Facts, growth charts and more, from the Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation
The Allied Diseases Profiled
Information on Tay-Sachs and related conditions, from the National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Association
Birth Defects and Genetic Conditions
Information on more than 20 different conditions, from the March of Dimes
Eye Conditions: Color Blindness
This site from the St. Luke's Cataract & Laser Institute covers signs & symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.
Facts èßäÊÓƵ Cystic Fibrosis
Learn about what causes the disease, what the symptoms are and how to treat it.
General Information
The National Down Syndrome Society provides information about the cause of Down Syndrome, history, diagnosis and more.
Genes and Disease
"Genes and Disease is a collection of articles that discuss genes and the diseases that they cause. These genetic disorders are organized by the parts of the body that they affect. As some diseases affect various body systems, they appear in more than one chapter."
Genetic Disorder Corner
Learn about how mutations in our genes can cause disease and how scientists can predict certain genetic disorders by looking at a person's chromosomes.
Hemophilia A
Information about Hemophilia A and other bleeding disorders, from the National Hemophilia Foundation
Huntington’s Disease Society of America
Click on the Information link for a description of the disease, answers to frequently asked questions, and publications that you can download.
Index of Rare Diseases
Find information on hundreds of rare diseases (including genetic disorders) at this site. This site is pretty technical.
LPA Online: Dwarfism Resources
Little People of America provides definitions of the most common types of dwarfism, an online library, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Neuromuscular Diseases in the MDA Program
Find facts sheets about the various types of muscular dystrophy at this site.
Created by Jackie Partch, 503.988.6004, for Mt. Tabor MS 8th grade, 4/13/04.
Provided by the School Corps